Function detectCase

  • Detects the case of a string


    • str: string

      string to detect the case of

    Returns "camel" | "kebab" | "screaming-kebab" | "snake" | "screaming-snake" | "pascal" | "lower" | "upper" | "mixed" | "none"

    the detected case of the string


    detectCase('fooBar') // returns 'camel'
    detectCase('foo-bar') // returns 'kebab'
    detectCase('FOO-BAR') // returns 'screaming-kebab'
    detectCase('foo_bar') // returns 'snake'
    detectCase('FOO_BAR') // returns 'screaming-snake'
    detectCase('FooBar') // returns 'pascal'
    detectCase('FOO BAR') // returns 'upper'
    detectCase('foo bar') // returns 'lower'
    detectCase('fooBar-baz') // returns 'mixed
    detectCase('foo BAR') // returns 'mixed
    detectCase('') // returns 'none'

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